Meet Belinda


RICCIO is a small marketplace of hand selected brands and goods from different places in Italy and beyond. The global marketplace makes it hard for small artisans and creators to compete. I hope to give these craftsmen and women more exposure hence more success. From cashmere weavers to handmade leather craftsmen, niche designers in fashion and jewelry and concept creators, RICCIO assembles a thoughtful group of accessories for fashion. RICCIO is always cultivating new ideas and products, assembling changing collections every season.

So what does Riccio mean? Riccio means "urchin" in Italian...I love everything about urchins; their shapes, their colors, their behavior and yes, the way they taste. I was first introduced to "ricci" in Italy and so with my love for Italy and the Mediterranean, I will always associate urchins with my favorite place in the world.


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